Latest: Welcome to my old blog

With the recent news that Google will be disabling the ability for bloggers to upload their blogs to their websites via FTP and the sad realisation that my blog never really got kick-started again after 2007, I have decided for the moment to lay my blog to rest - or at least until I have something important to say again.
That's not to say I've gone away though. In the July of 2009 I set myself up in business as a web desginer/developer under the name of Stem Pixel. This is an exciting new venture for me and probably had a lot to do with my lack of blog updates over this past year. If you're in need of a good website, don't hesitate to drop by!

All of the above was itself driven by discovering in early June 2009 that my wife was pregnant. Combined with being in a dead-end job in Mexico and the desire to still do great things with my life, I was inspired to take the jump - I quit my job and set myself up in business. In the January of this year I became the proud Dad of Isabella Montserrat. Now being both father and business man, for the moment my priorities are very much domestic and oriented towards putting bread on the table.
I'm ambitious though, and want to be back with new stuff one day. Meanwhile, if you want to keep up with me, you can currently find me on:
This blog will stay online as a reminder of all the things I got up to before I had to be responsible! Thank you to those of you who have followed my writings since first starting this blog in 2005,
P.S. I'm currently re-developing the Milamex website - the very reason for my blog just over four years ago. I'm giving them today what I didn't know how to do back then - the technology to allow them to easily update their website. Due for launch later in March, watch that space...
Update: 1 May 2010. This will be my final brief entry on to the blog due to the imminent closure of FTP-style blogs by Google. I'm pleased to say that the new Milamex website went live in the end on Tuesday 6th April with full training on how to update the website given on the Friday later that week. Initial reactions have been very positive and it feels good to have been a part of Milamex again, even if only for a short while. It also feels good to have delivered in a full sense the easily updatable website I had originally wanted to give them back in 2006/7. You can see a short case study of my Milamex work on the Stem Pixel website.
Thanks again to all those who have followed my blog over the years - I've appreciated your support.
1 Comment(s):
Nice picture. Congratulations on becoming a dad. Sunday, April 18, 2010 12:46:00 AM
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