Back in business
After a busy couple of months, I'm back in business on this blog. I didn't exactly get off to a riding start when I launched it in December, so hopefully will get a better crack at making some entries now!
In summary: On the same day in mid-January this year, I moved house, began Spanish class in the mornings and started work at Milamex in the afternoons. Each part came with its own challenges, and I found myself heavily playing catch-up, until my classes finished at the end of February.
My Spanish is now at a level where I can talk without having to look every other word up in the dictionary, so I joyfully began work at Milamex full-time earlier this week. This means I will be around a bit more now to write up my thoughts and experiences as they happen...
If you're wondering why my photo gallery hasn't been updated lately, it's because I'm still waiting for my camera to be returned from repair, which I trashed big time on Christmas day. It's been due to arrive for some days now, so hopefully any day now.
Watch this space.
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